Calling All Angels

Santa Maria, Santa Teresa, Santa Anna, Santa Susannah
Santa Cecilia, Santa Copelia, Santa Domenica, Mary Angelica

Frater Achad, Frater Pietro, Julianus, Petronilla
Santa, Santos, Miroslaw, Vladimir
and all the rest

我召喚的方式是,將 iPod 設定成單曲的重覆播放。然後,一整天,一整個星期,一整個月,我以聆聽來召喚。誰讓我召喚而來,我不知道,她們來了。她們還是走了。

a man is placed upon the steps, a baby cries
and high above the church bells start to ring
and as the heaviness the body oh the heaviness settles in
somewhere you can hear a mother sing


then it’s one foot then the other as you step out onto the road
how much weight? how much weight?
then it’s how long? and how far?
and how many times before it’s too late?



calling all angels
calling all angels
walk me through this one

don’t leave me alone
calling all angels
calling all angels
we’re cryin’ and we’re hurtin’

and we’re not sure why…

and every day you gaze upon the sunset
with such love and intensity
it’s almost…it’s almost as if
if you could only crack the code
then you’d finally understand what this all means



but if you could…do you think you would
trade in all the pain and suffering?
ah, but then you’d miss
the beauty of the light upon this earth
and the sweetness of the leaving


calling all angels
calling all angels
walk me through this one
don’t leave me alone
callin’ all angels
callin’ all angels
we’re tryin’
we’re hopin’
we’re hurtin’
we’re lovin’
we’re cryin’
we’re callin’
‘cause we’re not sure how this goes


  • Calling All Angles by Jane Siberry with k.d.lang

  • 這當然是和那部影集有關。其實到第二三季之後,我已經對這部影集滿是不耐(雖然說還是覺得 Alan Ball 很厲害啦)。反正就是掰個不怎麼高明的死法,在幾個主角的人際關係打轉。和死亡愈去愈遠。說不定落了好多集沒看也不知道。這一集演了什麼,說實話,我也不太有印象了。只記得結束前,在地下室裡,圍著一具屍體,一群女人(導演之一,也是這部影集裡我最喜歡的演員,Kathy Bates 也在其中)儀式似的,點起了菸,一人抽一口,就這麼傳遞下去,誰就開始了第一句。然後第二個人,接了第二句。我的心開始抽動了。第三句,第四句,第五句。鏡頭接到其他不在場的人,房裡,車上,躺著的,癱著的,活的,快死的。我應該是低著頭,默默地跟著唱了下去。

  • 這一集的導演是 Mary Harron。

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